Developing a Quantitative PCR and Colorimetry Instrument for Laboratory Skills Training
Project Summary
The development of analytical skills has become essential for modern life. They play a key role in understanding data and making informed decisions on topics such as human health and environmental protection. Furthermore, these analytical skills are crucial for success in many careers, including those in science. Students at the high school and undergraduate levels can develop these skills through a comprehensive STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education.
To bring these in-demand quantitative analysis skills into teaching laboratories, Edvotek is creating a comprehensive series of equipment, experiments, and resources centering around topics in biology, environmental science, and biotechnology. The hands-on experiments using mathematics, statistics, and modeling to analyze the results of experiments in Environmental Science, Biotechnology, Medical Diagnostics, and more.
Project Update
July 2024

Progress is being made on the mechanics for the EdvoReader Prototype.
We have focused on four main areas:
1. Mechanical and electrical engineering to expand PCR sample block and to improve heating and cooling times and thresholds. This includes improved fans and thermoelectric cells to increase product durability and reduce qPCR program run time. We have also performed comprehensive parts evaluation to ensure final units will be priced for education.
2. Industrial design of the external casing and interior components. The unit is designed to be compact for storage and ventilation has been optimized. The exterior view is designed to refer back to our successful EdvoCycler 2 and EdvoCycler Jr product lines while also moving the design forward with a more modern and streamlined space. The colors are selected to match the suite of existing equipment, lending further continuity to the product line.
3. Optical engineering of the LED and photodiode system to perform quantitative measurements for qPCR and colorimetry. This design and selection of components is important to ensure the accuracy and reliability of quantitative measurements for qPCR, ensuring precise detection of nucleic acids. Furthermore, this system must also provide consistent and reproducible colorimetry readings, which are crucial for various biochemical and water testing applications.
4. Graphic design and touch screen mapping for the EdvoReader User Interface. The layout and design elements integrated into the EdvoReader User Interface work together to present an intuitive and visually appealing layout. This is important because it will make it easier for novice users (including students and new instructors) to navigate the programming of the unit and the interpretation of their data. Touch screen mapping to the screens ensures responsive and user-friendly interactions, enhancing the overall user experience by providing easy and fast access to various functions and features.
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